Saturday, December 22, 2018

Trump is Diagnosed as a Sadist by Prominent Psychiatrist

In a recent interview with Salon magazine, Dr. John Gartner, a former Johns Hopkins University psychiatrist, warned America that there is a monster in the White House and that this is not going to end well for the country. All reasonable people know that Trump is a bonafide narcissist, but Dr. Gartner says it's much worse. Why? Because Trump has a uniquely malignant form of narcissism--he is sadistic narcissist, one who is not only incapable of empathy but who actually enjoys inflicting pain on others. And when he is threatened, he will viciously lash out with whatever means he has, no mater how violent, harmful, or destructive those means are. Do I have to remind you he has the nuclear codes?

Dr. Gartner put it this way: “When I first started talking about Trump as a malignant narcissist, people could see the narcissism, the paranoia and the antisocial element. But the fourth component of malignant narcissism is sadism.

"You see it in everything he does, from the separating of the children at the border to how Trump tortures anyone who doesn't give him what he wants. There's a way in which he takes a kind of manic glee in causing harm and pain and humiliation to other people.

“Malignant narcissists deteriorate. When they gain power, they become more inflamed in their grandiosity and in their paranoia. They also become more unrestrained in their sadism and in their will to [maintain] power. Malignant narcissists like Trump are antisocial and have a willingness to do anything to get and keep power. The noted psychologist Erich Fromm actually argued that such personalities then begin to verge on psychosis at that point, becoming so grandiose and paranoid that they really live on the boundary of psychosis and reality.”

As Trump is emboldened by fellow sadists (e.g. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, "Gym" Jordan, Steve King, etc.), his condition is exacerbated because his enablers give him a pass. He feels like he can get away with anything. (For his entire life, Trump has never been held accountable for any of his atrocities.) And as Trump grows older and dementia kicks in, the danger he poses becomes much worse.

"Cognitive deterioration only goes in one direction. It doesn't stand still and it doesn't get better. No, Trump is not ready for the nursing home. But that doesn't mean he's capable of managing the White House. What if there is a global crisis like a war? What if Trump refuses to step down, if he is impeached and convicted? Once you factor in nuclear weapons the possibilities are truly horrific."

There you have it America. It's going to end like Stanley Kubrick predicted it would in Dr. Strangelove. "We'll meet again. Don't know where; don't know when..."

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