Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wait Until Trump Voters See How Trumpism Will Affect Them

Like petulant children, tired of being scolded for their bad behavior and words, Trump voters gave humane, decent adults everywhere a great big middle finger in this election. Now, like the giddy misanthropes they are, they gleefully watch as liberals like me tear their hair out. This is what they wanted all along--vengeance for being fact-shamed by Democrats; for having to squelch their racist inclinations; for stifling their urge to ridicule the disabled and the mentally impaired; for having to tell their racist jokes in private; for having to reduce women to sexual objects. They entered the ballot booth as assassins of civility, not protectors of democracy. Trumpers couldn't care less about democracy. Democracy impels them to accord respect to the other--the other gender, the other race, the other religion, the other sexual orientation. They see no benefit for themselves in the greater good, and finally they have found their hero...someone who embodies what they stand for: self-serving, short-term ego gratification, without a shred of social conscience or open-mindedness.

But the day is coming, sooner not later, when the Trumpers will regret the havoc they have unleashed, because they have to live and work in Trump's America too. They have to send their kids to school in Trump's America. They have to serve in Trump's military. They have to pay taxes to support CEOs like Trump. And when they've finally gotten their fill of Trumpism and they begin to criticize President Donald, they'll have to live in fear of Trump's reprisals. If there is one thing we know Donald loves to do it's get even with his enemies.

The Trump victory gives permission for schoolyard bullies to resume their reign of terror, and most Trumpers send their kids to public schools. The Trump victory validates the boss who uses his power to intimidate and sexually harass employees, and most Trumpers are in jobs where they are vulnerable to their superiors' power. The Trump victory emboldens the local gun nuts to open carry at school picnics; even conservatives like picnics. The Trump victory is likely to bend the tax code even more radically in favor of the super-rich, and history tells us corporations and the rich are not going to share any part of this obscene windfall with Trumpers. The Trump victory legitimizes illiteracy and stupidity; Trumpers should prepare for the American education system to sink to a new low under Donald. The Trump victory comes with a pledge of foreign aggression and military adventurism; it will be the Trumpers who fight and die in these wars. The Trump victory, by his own words, opens up the nuclear option; neither Trumpers nor anyone else will survive a nuclear war.

To Trumpers who read this blog: I know, I're thinking, "He's just another liberal elite scolding us." That's right, I am. You should have listened to me, to all of the liberals, when we tried to warn you. A couple years from now, you'll realize you were wrong, and have deep regrets for the mess you've made. But you'll never admit it, because, like your leader, you don't have the decency or humility to ever admit you were wrong. Like the bratty kids you are, you never learn. Your childish behavior follows you into adulthood, and four years from now we, the adults, will have to bail you out again.

But for now, don't come running to me. He's not my president; he's yours. And you'll have to pay the consequences for what you've done.

1 comment:

musictravel said...

I've been trumped by Trump and those who voted for him. After feeling numb, despondent, and sucker-punched for the entire day after the election, I awoke today with a new attitude. I'm going to do more than my fair share to be tolerant of others, respectful to all, and display consideration for the civility outlined in our American Constitution. As Hillary Clinton stated, "When others go low, we go high." Best wishes to all of us who are taking the "high" road.