Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Even The CIA Now Admits It Covered Up The Truth Of JFK’s Murder

As Earl Warren once let slip to a dogged reporter (there used to be such people in America), “You’ll not know the truth of the JFK assassination in your lifetime.” To the dismay of all democracy-loving people everywhere, Warren was right. Only dedicated researchers and writers, like David Lifton, Mark Lane, and James Douglas, largely ignored by the mainstream media, have dared to seriously investigate the murder of the century. Thanks to them we know much more now than we did 50 years ago. However, the truth of the conspiracy, which involved LBJ, the Joint Chiefs, Texas oil billionaires, and disaffected CIA rogues, has never been acknowledged by the establishment press or any government agency.

The best we can get from investigative “journalists” these days is admission of CIA lies, half-truths, and talk of indirect involvement. Such is this case with the latest revelation by a “name” journalist. Former New York Times reporter Philip Shenon, in an article for Politico Magazine, writes, “Even the CIA is now willing to raise these questions [about CIA involvement in JFK’s death]. Half a century after JFK’s death, in a once-secret report written in 2013 by the CIA’s top in-house historian and quietly declassified last fall, the spy agency acknowledges what others were convinced of long ago: that [John] McCone [CIA chief under JFK] and other senior CIA officials were ‘complicit’ in keeping ‘incendiary’ information from the Warren Commission.

“According to the report by CIA historian David Robarge, McCone, who died in 1991, was at the heart of a ‘benign cover-up’ at the spy agency, intended to keep the commission focused on ‘what the Agency believed at the time was the ‘best truth’—that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.’ The most important information that McCone withheld from the commission in its 1964 investigation, the report found, was the existence, for years, of CIA plots to assassinate Castro, some of which put the CIA in cahoots with the Mafia. Without this information, the commission never even knew to ask the question of whether Oswald had accomplices in Cuba or elsewhere who wanted Kennedy dead in retaliation for the Castro plots.

“The report offers no conclusion about McCone’s motivations, including the question of why he would go to lengths to cover up CIA activities that mostly predated his time at the agency. But it suggests that the Johnson White House might have directed McCone to hide the information. McCone 'shared the administration’s interest in avoiding disclosures about covert actions that would circumstantially implicate [the] CIA in conspiracy theories and possibly lead to calls for a tough US response against the perpetrators of the assassination.'"

Shenon, knowingly or unknowingly, is the latest conduit of the CIA’s limited hang-out position, to wit: “Yes, we covered up the truth, but we did not set up Oswald to be the patsy, hire the real hitmen, use assets to alter the Zapruder film, issue a false autopsy, alter the President’s wounds, kill and intimidate witnesses, or collude with the new President, the Joint Chiefs, or Texas oil billionaires to remove the 35th President from office…even though we hated him and were secretly at war with him throughout the thousand days of his administration.”

In truth, Shenon and his like bore me. At best, they should be pitied for being duped by CIA disinformation; at worst, they should be scorned for helping covering up the truth under the guise of “uncovering bombshell information” which does nothing more than exonerate the CIA. If you want the real truth, read Jim Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable…or my book, The President’s Mortician. And don’t be fooled by pseudo-journalists.

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