Friday, November 15, 2013

JFK Conspiracy Fact #6: Prime Suspect Was Power-Mad Nazi Sympathizer and U.S. Corporate Elitist

An incomplete yet stunning biography of the Dulles brothers, written by Stephen Kinzer, delineates the utter control and totalitarian power that Allen and John Foster had over America and the world in the 1950s. Allen Dulles was head of the CIA and John Foster Dulles ran the State Department. Under Eisenhower, who essentially abrogated his domestic and foreign policies to these brothers, the Dulleses had free reign to overthrow foreign leaders whom they despised and maintain a secret imperialist dominance for American corporate interests around the globe.

Long before the ‘50s, in fact, the Dulleses were funneling U.S. dollars into Nazi Germany. Their firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, helped finance I. G. Farben, the German chemical company which produced the Zyklon B gas used to murder millions of Jews in concentration camps, as well as Krupp A.G., Nazi weapons manufacturer. John Foster was close friends with Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schact. Allen signed his letters to Nazi officials with a respectful “Heil Hitler.”

Sullivan & Cromwell became so influential and powerful in American corporate spheres that the Dulleses were often rewarded with posts on many of their clients’ boards. One was United Fruit, which, with Allen’s CIA help, overthrew duly elected Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz. United Fruit had confiscated peasants’ land there for growing bananas at slave-labor costs. When Arbenz tried to return the land to the peasants and nationalize the fruit-growing industry, UFC and the CIA ousted him. The CIA earned the nickname Corporations’ Invisible Army.

Eisenhower turned a blind eye to this as long as the Dulles brothers kept America out of war. Ike had seen enough death and destruction in World War II, and opted for another way to exert America’s dominance over the world. So while he played golf with Bob Hope in Palm Springs, the Dulles brothers ran the country.

When Kennedy came into office, Allen, still head of the CIA, assumed he was still in charge. But after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy fired him. This outraged the Eastern intelligence/business establishment, and Allen took out his revenge in Dallas. To ensure the matter would be covered up properly and exculpate all guilty parties, LBJ appointed Allen to the Warren Commission…or was it the other way around?
As de facto head of the Warren Commission, Dulles attended more meetings and hearings than any other member. He misled witnesses, diverted evidence, misinformed his colleagues, and brushed aside all CIA culpability. Funny what happens in a murder case when the lead investigator is also the prime suspect.

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