Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dr. King's Speech Updated to Reflect The Times 50 Years Later

"I have a dream that one day innocent young black men in the Deep South can walk home at night without being shot to death. I have a dream that one day, even in the state of Florida, unbiased juries can assemble to convict white men of unjustly killing black men. I have a dream that one day FOX News will stop twisting my words for their own vicious purposes. I have a dream that one day black voters will be allowed to exercise their right to vote without being targeted for harassment and registration nullification. I have a dream that one day black people will not be underrepresented in a court of law and overrepresented in prison populations. I have a dream that one day a black man will be elected president without being accused of doctoring his birth certificate and consorting with radical insurrectionists. I have a dream that one day the dark forces which assassinated me and my white brethren--Jack and Bobby--will be brought to justice. Yes, I have a dream."

I guess we still have a ways to go before Dr. King's dreams come true.