Sunday, December 23, 2018

Robert Reich Predicts Trump Will Be Impeached After Mueller Report

Here is a hopeful article that appeared in a recent edition of Daily Kos. It is a conversation between economist Robert Reich and a Republican friend of his who used to serve in Congress: I have copied it here verbatim:

(ME is Robert Reich; HE is the Republican.)

"ME: So, what are you hearing?

HE: Trump is in deep sh*t.

ME: Tell me more.

HE: When it looked like he was backing down on the wall, Rush and the crazies on Fox went ballistic. So he has to do the shutdown to keep the base happy. They’re his insurance policy. They stand between him and impeachment.

ME: Impeachment? No chance. Senate Republicans would never go along.

HE (laughing): Don’t be so sure. Corporate and Wall Street are up in arms. Trade war was bad enough. Now, you’ve got Mattis resigning in protest. Trump pulling out of Syria, giving Putin a huge win. This dumbass shutdown. The stock market in free-fall. The economy heading for recession.

ME: But the base loves him.

HE: Yeah, but the base doesn’t pay the bills.

ME: You mean …

HE: Follow the money, friend.

ME: The GOP’s backers have had enough?

HE: They wanted Pence all along.

ME: So …

HE: So they’ll wait until Mueller’s report, which will skewer Trump. Pelosi will wait, too. Then after the Mueller bombshell, she’ll get 20, 30, maybe even 40 Republicans to join in an impeachment resolution.

ME: And then?

HE: Senate Republicans hope that’ll be enough – that Trump will pull a Nixon.

ME: So you think he’ll resign?

HE (laughing): No chance. He’s fu*king out of his mind. He’ll rile up his base into a fever. Rallies around the country. Tweet storms. Hannity. Oh, it’s gonna be ugly. He’ll convince himself he’ll survive.

ME: And then?

HE: That’s when Senate Republicans pull the trigger.

ME: Really? Two-thirds of the Senate?

HE: Do the math. 47 Dems will be on board, so you need 19 Republicans. I can name almost that many who are already there. Won’t be hard to find the votes.

ME: But it will take months. And the country will be put through a ringer.

HE: I know. That’s the worst part.

ME: I mean, we could have civil war.

HE: Hell, no. That’s what he wants, but no chance. His approvals will be in the cellar. America will be glad to get rid of him.

ME: I hope you’re right.

HE: He’s a dangerous menace. He’ll be gone. And then he’ll be indicted, and Pence will pardon him. But the state investigations may put him in the clinker. Good riddance."

My reaction: I'll believe when I see it, and I don't like the Orange Menace getting pardoned. I want this bastard to serve hard prison time for what he has put the country through. Fuck this lying, sadistic sociopath and his stupid, greedy family.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Trump is Diagnosed as a Sadist by Prominent Psychiatrist

In a recent interview with Salon magazine, Dr. John Gartner, a former Johns Hopkins University psychiatrist, warned America that there is a monster in the White House and that this is not going to end well for the country. All reasonable people know that Trump is a bonafide narcissist, but Dr. Gartner says it's much worse. Why? Because Trump has a uniquely malignant form of narcissism--he is sadistic narcissist, one who is not only incapable of empathy but who actually enjoys inflicting pain on others. And when he is threatened, he will viciously lash out with whatever means he has, no mater how violent, harmful, or destructive those means are. Do I have to remind you he has the nuclear codes?

Dr. Gartner put it this way: “When I first started talking about Trump as a malignant narcissist, people could see the narcissism, the paranoia and the antisocial element. But the fourth component of malignant narcissism is sadism.

"You see it in everything he does, from the separating of the children at the border to how Trump tortures anyone who doesn't give him what he wants. There's a way in which he takes a kind of manic glee in causing harm and pain and humiliation to other people.

“Malignant narcissists deteriorate. When they gain power, they become more inflamed in their grandiosity and in their paranoia. They also become more unrestrained in their sadism and in their will to [maintain] power. Malignant narcissists like Trump are antisocial and have a willingness to do anything to get and keep power. The noted psychologist Erich Fromm actually argued that such personalities then begin to verge on psychosis at that point, becoming so grandiose and paranoid that they really live on the boundary of psychosis and reality.”

As Trump is emboldened by fellow sadists (e.g. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, "Gym" Jordan, Steve King, etc.), his condition is exacerbated because his enablers give him a pass. He feels like he can get away with anything. (For his entire life, Trump has never been held accountable for any of his atrocities.) And as Trump grows older and dementia kicks in, the danger he poses becomes much worse.

"Cognitive deterioration only goes in one direction. It doesn't stand still and it doesn't get better. No, Trump is not ready for the nursing home. But that doesn't mean he's capable of managing the White House. What if there is a global crisis like a war? What if Trump refuses to step down, if he is impeached and convicted? Once you factor in nuclear weapons the possibilities are truly horrific."

There you have it America. It's going to end like Stanley Kubrick predicted it would in Dr. Strangelove. "We'll meet again. Don't know where; don't know when..."

Friday, December 14, 2018

"Mother" Tucker Carlson's Vulgar, Racist Rant is Just a Projection of His Own Deep Psychological Trauma

Night after night on FNC (Fascist News Channel), Tucker Carlson (think O'Reilly with more venom and hate to spew) vomits out of his vile mouth the ugliest, most hateful sewage of anyone on his despicable channel. And that's saying something. Take the other's the transcript of his monologue:

"Our [Democratic] leaders demand that you shut up and accept [immigration]. We have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, and dirtier, and more divided. Immigration is a form of atonement.

Previous leaders of our country committed sins -- we must pay for those sins by welcoming an endless chain of migrant caravans. That's the argument they make.

What is more predictable is how leaders of the caravan are starting to talk. Suddenly, they sound like community college professors from Long Beach. Entitled, cut off from reality, and highly aggressive.

Yesterday a group of leaders of the caravan marched into the U.S. consulate in Mexico, and demanded $50,000 to return to their own countries.

Huddled masses yearning to breathe free? Nope, cynical shakedown artists who have been watching too much CNN.

No surprise there. When rich liberals tell you that America owes you a comfortable life, nobody should be shocked when you believe them.”

First of all, since when does $50,000 buy anyone a comfortable life? That piddly amount wouldn't even pay for Tucker's bowties. And what, exactly, does he mean by immigrants will make our country "dirtier?" Brown people are dirty? Or migrants who have traveled hundreds of miles trying to flee oppression, poverty, and corruption are beneath his privileged existence? No one is more entitled than Tucker who has never done anything productive or beneficial for society. Born into a rich California family, little Tucker was sent off to exclusive boarding schools where he learned that being white in America entitles him to superior status. Looking down his smug nose at those who weren't born with a silver foot in their mouths became a lucrative pastime for him.

But the seminal moment in little Fucker's--I mean Tucker's--life came when he was six years old. His liberal mom abandoned him to lead a "bohemian" life, in pursuit of artistic expression, humanism, and the betterment of society. Little Tucky never has recovered from that abandonment by mommy, and now he has devoted his life to taking out his vengeance on all liberals. That's also why many wags refer to Carlson as "Mother Tucker."

A sad and spiteful man, Mother Tucker now spends his days railing against those he imagines his mommy liked more than him; which, in essence, is everyone other than him. With this knowledge, one can read the obvious mommy (liberal) hate in his mean and filthy diatribes. For instance, let me interpret his above rant:

"Mommy demanded that I shut up and accept the well-being of someone besides myself. We have a moral obligation to help the world's poor she tells me, even if it makes me angry, foul-mouthed, and hateful. I have to atone for my sins.

Mommy committed sins, and I must pay the price for her abandonment by welcoming others into the country to have the same privileges and luxuries afforded me. That's the argument my Mommy made.

These dirty immigrants have no right to ask for asylum from oppression, poverty and corruption because Mommy abandoned me to help them. And I will always resent them for that.

I hate huddled masses yearning to be free, and I will shakedown gullible Fox News viewers for every penny I can. When Mommy told me I was entitled to a comfortable, well-adjusted life, she was lying."

That's Mother Tucker Carlson. A sick and twisted narcissist with a platform to spew hate on the most sick and twisted channel in America.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Now That the Endless Bush Eulogies are Finally Over, Here is Some Ugly Truth About 41 and His Connection to 11/22/63

In 1962 CIA asset and ex-Russian royalty George DeMohrenschildt met and befriended Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. This odd pairing of an anti-communist aristocrat and a “Marxist” loner in the city of right-wing fanaticism is even more suspicious when one considers that DeMohrenschildt was well acquainted with George H.W. “Poppy” Bush. DeMohrenschildt’s nephew, Edward Gordon Hooker, roomed with Bush at Andover in their youths. Their eastern prep-school ties aside, Bush and DeMohrenschildt, were connected as oil entrepreneurs and CIA operatives in Texas and the Caribbean in the early 1960s. And many years after the assassination, when Bush was CIA Director and the House Select Committee on Assassinations sought to question DeMohrenschildt about his involvement with Oswald, the paths of the two Georges crossed again in a tragic way. DeMorhenschildt was found shot to death after writing a letter to Bush about his relationship with Oswald and its importance in the assassination.

From my book, JFK and the End of America:

“The Bush family-George DeMohrenschildt relationship screams JFK assassination connection. The two Georges knew one another from their days in the Texas oil business, but after 11/22/63, H.W. appears to have cut ties with DeMohrenschildt. When Bush was appointed head of the CIA by Gerald Ford in 1976, DeMohrenschildt made an unwelcome return to Bush’s life. As the HSCA was gearing up to re-investigate the Kennedy assassination, DeMohrenschildt’s name resurfaced. The CIA under Bush, naturally, would want to suppress the Bush-DeMohrenschildt-Oswald link, but DeMohrenschildt got nervous and went public when he got spooked by mysterious government agents who began pressuring him. He got so fed up with it that he took the extraordinary measure of writing a letter to his old pal Bush. The letter, dated September 5, 1976, is written in intelligence-coded language that both Georges would have understood quite well. It contains the tone of a desperate man, begging the one person he knows can save him from his coming demise. It reads, in part, ‘Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere…[possibly by] FBI.’ What exactly prompted DeMohrenschildt’s hopeless situation? He tells Bush that, ‘I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H. Oswald and must have angered a lot of people,’ and then implores Bush to ‘remove the net from around us.’231

When DeMohrenschildt sent the letter, he signed his own death warrant. No information could have been more dangerous to the CIA and Bush than their direct connection to the Kennedy assassination through Oswald’s best friend in Dallas before the assassination. The fact that DeMohrenschildt had attempted to reveal the truth of the assassination in his own book almost ensured that he would be called as a witness before the HSCA. Bush and the CIA could not allow this to happen.

Bush’s response to DeMohrenschildt was cordial, but sent a diabolically subtle and unmistakable message to his friend. It read, in part, ‘…my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years…I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter’s death a few years ago and the current poor state of your wife’s health.’232 Translation: The CIA has checked into your matter, and has found nothing to support your allegations that government agents are targeting you or that your life is in danger. It must all be a figment of your imagination due to your deteriorating mental condition, caused by your daughter’s death and your wife’s poor health. Contacting me was a huge mistake.

After reading Bush’s response, DeMohrenschildt must have deduced two things for certain: 1) He could expect no help from Bush and the CIA. He was out in the cold, and they were not going to bring him back in; and 2) His days were numbered.

DeMohrenschildt fled for Europe and stayed there until the spring of 1977. Upon returning to the U.S., he was scheduled to appear before the HSCA which sent an investigator to DeMohrenschildt’s Florida residence. That very day, DeMohrenschildt was found shot to death in his home; a shotgun was found nearby. It was ruled a suicide by police, but his wife Jeanne, the former Jeanne LeGon who worked with Abraham Zapruder at Nardi’s in Dallas, vehemently disputed this. A year later she had the courage to speak freely to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. She stated that her husband George had not committed suicide and that Oswald was a government agent who had not killed the President. She also implied that the CIA had killed Kennedy.233

Found in DeMohrenschildt’s belongings was the address of ‘Bush, George H.W., 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum, Midland, Texas.’234 This was not the only JFK suspect who was found dead with Bush’s information on his person. CIA pilot and drug runner Barry Seal, who may have flown a getaway plane out of Dallas on 11/22/63, had George Bush’s private phone number in his pocket when found shot to death.”