Wednesday, February 25, 2015

O’Reilly Lied About Being At The Scene of The Suicide of Oswald/Bush Pal George DeMohrenschildt

Media Matters, an internet news and political commentary website, is reporting that FOX News bully and gasbag Bill O’Reilly may have lied about his role in investigating the JFK Assassination. According to MM, “O'Reilly has repeatedly claimed he personally "heard" a shotgun blast that killed a figure in the investigation into President John F. Kennedy's assassination while reporting for a Dallas television station in 1977. O'Reilly's claim is implausible and contradicted by his former newsroom colleagues who denied the tale in interviews with Media Matters. A police report, contemporaneous reporting, and a congressional investigator who was probing Kennedy's death further undermine O'Reilly's story.

“George de Mohrenschildt was a Russian emigre who befriended Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and testified before the Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy assassination. On March 29, 1977, the same day he was contacted by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, he committed suicide at his daughter's home in Florida. At the time, O'Reilly was a reporter for Dallas' WFAA-TV who regularly reported on stories related to the Kennedy assassination.

“O'Reilly has bizarrely inserted himself into de Mohrenschildt's story, claiming in books and on Fox News that he was outside the house seeking to interview de Mohrenschiltd at the time of his death. O'Reilly is under heavy criticism and scrutiny for his false claims about his 1982 Falklands War reporting.”

What’s most shocking here is not that O’Reilly lied; he does that every night on FNC (Fascist News Channel). No, the real story is that people are not writing about the strange life and suspicious connections of the George DeMohrenschildt, who knew everyone connected with the plot and murder of a U.S. President. If a serious journalist would take an honest look at George DeMohrenschildt, he would uncover undeniable proof that DeMohrenschildt was an oil geologist and spy, closely aligned with the CIA, Texas oil, and the Bushes…three powerful entities who wanted Kennedy dead. DeMohrenschildt, incredibly, was Lee Harvey Oswald’s best friend in Dallas in 1962 and early 1963, and he was also closely acquainted with George H. W. Bush,

It seems appropriate to now reprint my blog from November 19, 2013:

“If you want to know how and why Lee Harvey Oswald was set up to take the fall in the assassination of JFK, and if you want to know who are the most likely suspects to have pulled off THE crime of the 20th century, all you have to do is trace the actions of one George DeMohrenschildt, CIA covert asset, oil geologist, Russian royalty, and international man of mystery. It can be said, with only the slightest bit of exaggeration, that DeMohrenschildt knew everyone involved in The Big Hit. In fact, for a time he was Lee Harvey Oswald’s best friend in Dallas, and he was also good friends with the Bush family. But I get ahead of myself. Let’s start in the beginning.

“Descended from Russian royalty, DeMohrenschildt came to the U.S. when his family was exiled during the Revolution. When the czar was kicked out, so were all his cronies—George’s family among them. Accordingly, DeMohrenschildt grew up with an abiding hatred of Communism, and early on associated himself with fringe right-wing groups and causes in America. And in the meantime he got himself an advanced degree in geology, with a specialty in underground exploration for oil. This made him a valuable asset to American oil millionaires who needed to know where to drill. It did not hurt that George’s politics were quite agreeable to oil tycoons like H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, Syd Richardson, and D.H. Byrd for whom he worked at various times.

“DeMohrenschildt made some advantageous contacts as a favorite of oil boomers. One of them was George H.W. Bush. It was through Bush that DeMohrenschildt became a CIA covert asset. Traveling the world to find oil gushers for the wealthy was good cover for a CIA asset to spy on friendlies and unfriendlies around the globe. Bush knew all the right people to get DeMohrenschildt hooked up with the spy agency. The Bushes and the Dulleses went way back, and Allen Dulles was CIA Director from 1953-1961. George Bush denies having known DeMohrenschildt more than just as a passing acquaintance, but there is ample evidence to prove otherwise.

“DeMohrenschildt was well acquainted with the Bush family. DeMohrenschildt's nephew, Eddie Hooker, had been George H.W. Bush's prep school roommate at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts. DeMohrenschildt and Hooker went into the oil business in West Texas in the 1950s, the same time that Bush was working there as a Dresser Industries employee. Speaking of Dresser Industries, it was closely aligned with a fashion/sportwear business in Dallas called Nardi’s. DeMohrenschildt’s wife Jeanne worked at Nardi’s in the 1950s alongside Abraham Zapruder. Yes, that Zapruder…the man who made the most infamous home movie of all time. While Jeanne designed the clothing, Abe cut the patterns. Think about that for a moment. The man who filmed the murder of JFK worked closely with the wife of the accused assassin’s best friend. My head hurts. And the only people in the world who think this was just an incredible coincidence worked for either the Warren Commission or the American media.

“The DeMohrenschildt family was steeped in an intelligence background. George’s older brother Dmitri worked, on many occasions, with Allen Dulles of the OSS/CIA. George himself knew, and did business with, the Rockefellers, George Brown of Brown and Root, and the William F. Buckley family which owned Pantepec Oil. When DeMohrenschildt moved to Dallas in 1952 he joined the Dallas Petroleum Club and the Council on Foreign Relations; both organizations’ memberships lists read like a who’s who of Kennedy assassination suspects. (Incredibly, DeMohrenschildt was also friends with the Bouviers, JFK’s in-laws, though this seems to be the one true coincidental connection in this matter.)

“One of DeMohrenschildt’s most dangerous CIA assignments (one that he certainly would have refused had he known the consequences) was ‘shepherding’ or ‘setting up’ Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas in 1962-63. DeMohrenschildt was chosen for the job because of his fluency in the Russian language and his knowledge of Russian culture. Oswald, having lived in Russia on a low-level, false-defector mission for the CIA, was naturally drawn to DeMohrenschildt’s acumen in all things Russian. DeMohrenschildt advised Oswald on all important matters before eventually passing off the patsy Oswald to Ruth Paine, another member of the White Russian community in Dallas with CIA ties. Paine let Marina and the Oswald kids board in her home, which Lee visited on weekends. Paine went out of her way to implicate Oswald in JFK’s murder.

"Meanwhile, DeMohrenschildt flew off to Haiti to do CIA business with dictator Papa Doc Duvalier. This move also distanced DeMohrenschildt from the events of November 22, 1963.

“Inevitably, DeMohrenschildt’s name came up in the Warren Commission hearings. If Oswald’s associates had not been questioned, the Commission would have been exposed as the sham that we now know it was. It was hardly a rough interrogation, though, as DeMohrenschildt was asked about his remarkable suntan and then dismissed. Warren Commission member Allen Dulles, who certainly knew DeMohrenschildt, cleverly steered the questioning away from the most dangerous areas.

“That would have been the end of it, and the trail would have gone cold, except that a couple of FBI memos addressing George H.W. Bush’s involvement in the aftermath of the assassination surfaced. The memos refer to “George Bush” of the CIA having reported on anti-Castro community activity post-assassination and having named a suspect to be questioned. But Bush has always denied being a CIA employee in 1963. Oops…Bush got caught practicing spycraft (plausible deniability for being in Dallas the day Kennedy was murdered and snooping on a group of likely suspects). Naturally serious investigators raised the suspiciousness of the Bush-DeMohrenschildt-Oswald connection.

“According to author Russ Baker (Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, And The Hidden History Of The Last 50 Years), ‘…in the spring of 1963, immediately after his final communication with Oswald, DeMohrenschildt had traveled to New York and Washington for meetins with CIA and military intelligence officials. He even had met with a top aide to Vice President Johnson. And the [Warren] commission certainly did not learn that one meeting in New York included Thomas Devine, then Poppy Bush’s business colleague in Zapata offshore, who was doing double duty for the CIA.’

“After JFK's murder, Bush, for obvious reasons, claims to have barely known DeMohrenschildt, but DeMohrenschildt did not reciprocate these feelings. When he was being hounded about his associations with Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, DeMohrenschildt wrote a letter to his old pal Bush, who just happened to be head of the CIA at the time. The letter reeks of desperation. DeMohrenschildt claimed his phones were bugged and he was being followed by ‘vigilantes. "Either the FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints; I tried to write stupidly and unsuccessfully about Lee Harvey Oswald,’ writes DeMohrenschildt. At the time, he knew he was in trouble because he was threatening to expose what he knew about JFK's assassination.

“Just a few months later DeMohrenschildt was found shot to death on the very day he was scheduled to be interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977. The death was ruled a ‘suicide by shotgun blast.’ Found in DeMohrenschildt's belongings was the address and phone number of ‘Bush, George H.W., 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum, Midland, Texas.’ I guess Bush answered DeMohrenschildt's letter after all.

“It is noteworthy that DeMohrenschildt was acquainted with most, if not all, the major suspects in the JFK assassination. He befriended Dallas oil barons, he worked as a covert asset for the CIA, he set up Lee Harvey Oswald, and he even knew Lyndon Johnson.

“I am still trying to make a connection between DeMohrenschildt and the Joint Chiefs, specifically Curtis LeMay (This is not so far-fetched; recall DeMohrenschildt’s meeting with military intelligence officials in Washington in the spring of 1963.); then his association with the suspect list would be complete. In Watergate, Deep Throat advised Woodward to follow the money. In the JFK murder case, one need only follow George DeMohrenschildt to track the outline of the plot.”

O'Reilly really stepped in it when he claimed to hear DeMohrenschildt commit suicide, but the Bush family had better hope the scrutiny stops with BillO The Clown; because there's a lot of dirt to be excavated from under that rock. Any honest, hard-working investigative journalist would find the trail that leads to who killed Kennedy and why. Lucky for the CIA, Texas oil, and the Bushes there are few real journalists left in America.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Conversations With Conservatives, Or How I Learned To Have Fun With And Annoy The Right Wing

I have many conservative friends, and, prudently, when in their presence I avoid the usual dangerous topics when I can: religion, politics, history, taxes, etc. But every now and then a polemic discussion rears its inevitable head, and I can't fight back the urge to inject my subversive, sarcastic, and eristic words. Such an occasion happened recently. I have here reconstructed an old conversation and combined it with new material derived from a chance meeting with the conservative just last week:

CONSERVATIVE: I know you don't believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and personal savior.

ME: that you mention it. The rationalist in me wants to parse that sentence. The phrase "My Lord and personal savior" sounds threatening. Like I'd better believe or else. As if someone is trying to control my thoughts and actions...and if I do not conform (meaning blindly believe that there is an all-powerful white man in the sky waiting to condemn me or save me based on someone's interpretation of a centuries-old book), there will be literally hell to pay.

CONSERVATIVE: Since when is faith a bad thing?

ME: When blind faith shuts down reason, overrides temperance, denies the power of the intellect, and incites intolerance and violence, then it is a bad thing.

CONSERVATIVE: My Christian beliefs forbid me from practicing hate.

ME: Yet you listen to Rush Limbaugh every day--the right wing's high minister of hate.

CONSERVATIVE: That's politics, not religion. Rush is merely pointing out how your side is harming democracy by enforcing a socialist agenda on unwilling citizens.

ME: From my reading of the Bible, Jesus was the most prominent socialist in history. Didn't he say that we will be judged by how we treat the least among us? Didn't he drive the moneychangers from the temple? Didn't he say that it will be harder for a rich man to enter His Kingdom than...

CONSERVATIVE: (Clearly flustered) Jesus wants us to be free. He loves America, and he blesses every day with His riches.

ME: But America is quickly becoming a third-world Republic in the sense that the wealth inequity gap is widening dramatically. The poor are getting poorer and the rich richer.

CONSERVATIVE: Every man--regardless of race, status or creed--has the opportunity to succeed and become rich in America.

ME: Not true. If that were so, capitalism would cease to exist, because the capitalist system requires that there be a few at the top and many at the bottom. The factory owner must have hundreds, maybe thousands, of factory laborers to make his enterprise profitable. And when it does become profitable, he keeps the lion's share of profit for himself. If we had all kings and no peons, capitalism would cease to exist.

CONSERVATIVE: You're perverting the intent of democracy and capitalism.

ME: They are not the same thing. You know what Louis Brandeis said? "We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have all wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can't have both."

CONSERVATIVE: Who's Louis Brandeis? One of your atheist, pinko icons?

ME: Supreme Court Justice in the 1920s.

CONSERVATIVE: Well, he's full of crap.

ME: How about James Madison, then? You right-wingers are fond of him, right? He said, "History records that moneychangers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments." That makes America a government of the rich, by the wealthy, and for the few.

CONSERVATIVE: Only Jesus can save heathens like you; I am going to pray for your salvation.

ME: Don't bother. If Heaven is anything like America, I'll pass. I want to go to Paradise. A place where everyone has his own room in the mansion. A place where the First shall be Last and the Last shall be first. A place where there is no suffering. A place where love and peace reign. A place where no man can oppress another. A place where material wealth and power do not matter. Hey wait...that is the Heaven promised us in the Bible. On second thought, go ahead and pray for my soul.

CONSERVATIVE: Now you're being sarcastic.

ME: I'm not. And while you're at it, pray for President Obama also. I know you hate him, but aren't you bound by your faith to love your enemies.

CONSERVATIVE: He's a socialist. I can't save socialists.

ME: But so was Jesus.

CONSERVATIVE: You no doubt have Scripture which proves that?

I pulled out my handy-dandy list of Bible passages which contain The Lord's love of socialism.

ME: Here's one of my favorites. Jesus said, "Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need."

CONSERVATIVE: You cherry-picked one passage to suit your politics.

ME: Oh, but there's much more. Jesus says to the blessed, "...take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in (today, right-wing Christians would shoot Jesus as a home invader), I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The Lord will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me.'"

The conservative nervously looked at his watch.

CONSERVATIVE: Hey, look at that. I'm late for Bible study. Today we're discussing Huckabee's new book, "Guns, Grits, and God." I gotta go.

ME: Wait. I have more. From the book of Matthew, "You cannot serve both God and money." And here's one from Luke, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."

The conservative put his earmuffs on so he couldn't hear me any more. He roared off in his pick-up with the gun rack in the back window. I giggled at his bumper sticker which read, "Jesus hates Obama and Socialists."

[This post is submitted in loving memory of my brother John Fitzgerald Fleming. Named for JFK, John was an author, scholar, linguist, and dog lover. He adored his nieces and nephews. I speak for all those who loved him and never got the chance to say good-bye. We will see you again; may you rest in peace.]

Monday, February 16, 2015

Stats Show That Concealed Carry Is More Than A Dismal Failure; It Could Be Hazardous To Your Health

A recent editorial in The New York Times unmasks the NRA’s fanatical anti-gun control position for what it really is: a dangerous, even murderous stance that is all about profit and not protection. There can no longer be any doubt that more guns means more deaths, not fewer deaths. And that includes avoidable, criminal, even deranged shootings. The NRA has always claimed that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, and that more guns means a safer America. These claims, it turns out, are bald-faced lies. The Times editorial cites a new report issued by the Violence Policy Center which compiles data on gun-related deaths. The study found that “…in research involving 722 deaths in 544 concealed-carry shootings in 36 states and the District of Columbia, only 16 cases were eventually ruled lawful self-defense — even though this has been a major gun rights selling point for the new laws. More gravely, the study found that the fatalities included 17 law enforcement officers shot by people with legal permits along with 705 slain civilians. There were 28 mass shootings (involving three or more victims) in which 136 people were killed — even though concealed carry has also been sold as a defense against massacres like the one in Newtown, Conn. In studying the 544 shootings, the center found 177 cases where people with gun licenses were ultimately convicted of crimes, including homicides, and 218 cases where the permit holder used the gun to commit suicide. There were 44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.”

The Times editorial adds that, “The full death toll attributable to concealed carry is undoubtedly larger because the center’s study did not cover all 50 states. Lawmakers dare not allow a national tally, so badly needed, to be kept by the government. No one is sure how many citizens now legally carry guns, but estimates run beyond 11 million nationally with many statehouse agendas pursuing even more permits.”

This is just more proof of what sane people already know: an NRA-loving, right-wing, white Christian male with a gun is a dangerous animal, and it is best to avoid the species at all costs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

JFK Assassination Update: Last Warren Commission Members Left Alive Keep Lying; CIA Keeps Covering Up

Today NewsMax, a quasi- independent online media outlet, is reporting the latest obfuscation by old and decrepit JFK assassination investigators—Burt Griffin, David Slawson, and Robert Blakey. Slawson and Griffin are outright liars; Blakey is trying to redeem himself.

According to NewsMax, “In separate interviews with The Associated Press, Burt Griffin and fellow staff counsel David Slawson stood by the Warren Commission's conclusions. Each pointed to a series of personal rejections behind Oswald's deadly action: Weeks after he made an unsuccessful attempt in Mexico City to get a visa to Cuba, his wife Marina rejected his attempts to reconcile their rocky marriage. It was during Oswald's visit, the night before the shooting, to the suburban Dallas home where his wife and two young daughters were staying that he packed up his disassembled Mannlicher-Carcano rifle to take to work the next day, the Warren Commission determined. That next morning, he removed his wedding ring, left his money with his wife, and departed to carry out the assassination.”

“‘If she had taken him back," Slawson said, "he wouldn't have done it.’”

There is so much disinformation and deception in that report that it is hard to know where to begin. First of all, there is absolutely no evidence that Marina and Lee Oswald were breaking up. They’d had a turbulent relationship for years and, yet, had stayed married. Why do Slawson and Griffin presume Marina was not taking him back? They were not living together full time as it was, but Lee and Marina saw each other every weekend at Ruth Paine’s house. (Author’s note: Ruth Paine was a CIA covert operative who was married at the time to Michael Paine, Bell Helicopter employee with a CIA security clearance. Conveniently, both the Paines and Oswalds maintained separate residences from their spouses in order to confuse and divert future investigators from more closely linking and examining their relationships and their intelligence links.) The only reason Griffin and Slawson make their wild speculation about that particular weekend is that JFK was assassinated on that Friday, and they have to provide some motivation for the presumed (incorrectly so) killer. You see, the Warren Commission never could come up with a believable motive for Oswald. Some, like Griffin and Slawson, say he wanted to do something earth-shattering to make himself feel important, or to impress others, like his wife. Just one minor problem, OSWALD DENIED HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH JFK’s MURDER! Oops, scratch that desperate attempt at assigning motive.

The other investigator named in the NewsMax story was G. Robert Blakey, head of the House Select Committee on Assassinations that conducted its business in the mid-1970s. According to NewsMax, “there were mountains of material considered by the committee, some of it from the CIA. And the CIA's liaison to the committee was none other than George Joannides, by then retired from the agency. Blakey, the committee's chief counsel, recalled how the CIA brought in Joannides to act as a middleman to help fill requests for documents made by committee researchers. ‘He was put in a position to edit everything we were given before it was given to us,’ Blakey said.

“But Blakey didn't learn about Joannides' past until Morley unearthed it in files declassified years later.

‘If I'd known Joannides was the case officer for the DRE, he couldn't have been liaison; he would have been a witness,’ Blakey told The Associated Press.

“Blakey added: ‘Do I think I was snookered, precisely like the Warren Commission was? Yes.’"

The article then circles back to the still-secret investigative files—about 300 pages of which relate to Joannides. The question needs to be asked: Why after 50 years is the CIA still withholding evidence? What is it hiding?